Monday, September 12, 2011

Source for Combs and Combing Videos

I fully believe that the outcome of a project, and certainly the quality of any yarn, depends on the attention to detail at every level, including the health of the sheep. There is no "unimportant" task in fiber preparation. (This is also applies to life...)

Your success with spinning depends on every step of your fiber preparation.

It is fortunate that people have been working with domesticated sheep fiber for 10,000+ years; there are lots of different ways to do things, and different tools and terminology. "There's no one, perfect, way to do anything" which sort of counteracts the previous paragraph (Your success...) In the past my tendency has been 'fast and sloppy,' I aspire to 'slow and thoughtful.' ;-)

Note that Clara (no longer with us on this plane) only uses the fiber from one card to make into a rolag. Card "until all the fibers are straight."

Hand Combing Tools & Techniques:

English Traditional Style Wool Combs 4 pitch, 4-part demonstration. Here's where to purchase. Price $368 US includes shipping.

Forsyth 4 pitch combs demonstration. Here's where to purchase. Price: CDN $400

When you have too much time on your hands you can click through all the comb & card, etc. sources on this page.

A long discussion about drum carders here, including an opinion about the "best" (Strauch.)

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